Westward Expansion Map
Westward Expansion Map
Westward Expansion Map details the dates and the historical treaties made by the
United States of America that increased the nation's lands
and made Westward Expansion possible.
When did Westward Expansion begin?
Westward Expansion began with the settlement of the
first 13 colonies in the East. The
1783 Treaty of Paris was signed on September 3, 1783
and ended the American
Revolutionary War and established the early U.S.
When did Westward Expansion end?
Westward Expansion ended on February 14, 1912 when
Arizona was admitted to the Union as the last of the 48
contiguous (adjoining) states. The admittance of Arizona
to the Union completed the process of conquering,
establishing and organizing the American West.
Who was involved in the Westward Expansion?
It could be said that between 1783-1912 all of the
people of America were involved in the Westward Expansion of the
United States. Westward Expansion was led by all of the Presidents
of the United States during this period. Treaties were enacted by
the politicians and the diplomats. The wars were waged by the
military and U.S. citizens. Henry Clay introduced the "American
System" that included a subsidized transportation infrastructure
of new roads and canals. The inventors during the period of
the Industrial Revolution made new transportation systems such as
the railroads possible. Entrepreneurs invested in the systems. But
it was the people of America who built the systems making it
possible for Westward Expansion to become viable and help the
pioneers and settlers to head west and build new lives in new lands.
Reasons for Westward Expansion
Why was westward expansion important and what were the reasons for
Westward Expansion? There was a whole continent to explore that
offered a range of different climates, geographical features,
vegetation, animals and raw materials. The potential of the new
resources and the massive areas of land were waiting for American
settlers to discover, some land was almost free. Westward Expansion
offered people the opportunity to find new homes and work, to
experience adventure, to explore possibilities, to become rich, to
find gold or silver, to escape from the constraints of civilization
and to make a new start. In other words Westward Expansion enabled
people to live the 'American Dream'. Americans were motivated to
move west for a whole variety of practical reasons but they were
inspired by the belief that the
Manifest Destiny of the United States was God's will.

Westward Expansion and Manifest Destiny
American Progress "Spirit of the Frontier"
Expansion and Manifest Destiny for kids
notion of the "Manifest
Destiny" of the United States
was that the occupation the whole continent of North
America, was a divine right of the American people.
Manifest Destiny was based on the belief of cultural and
racial superiority over other nations and the obligation
to bring enlightenment and civilization to other races
like the Native American Indians. The belief in the
Manifest Destiny of the United States justified the
darker side of Westward Expansion.
Expansion and Manifest Destiny
The picture on
your right is of a painting depicting Westward Expansion
and the concept of Manifest Destiny. It was
painted in 1872 by John Gast (1842-1893)
and called American Progress "Spirit of the
Frontier". The painting depicts American people moving
west, using different types of transport guided and
protected by the goddess Columbia, as a symbol of
America, holding the book of knowledge and
enlightenment. The painting provides a graphic
representation of Westward Expansion combined with the
concept of Manifest Destiny. Look carefully and you will
see people including Native American Indians, pioneers,
settlers, prospectors and farmers. The history and
progress of transport systems by foot, horse, covered
wagon, stagecoach, canal steamboats and the railroad.
Communication systems are represented by a Pony Express
rider and telegraph wires.
Expansion and Westward Expansion Timeline and Facts for kids
Interesting Westward Expansion Facts and Timeline for kids are
detailed below together with details of important events in Westward expansion. The history of
Westward Expansion of the
United States is told in a
factual timeline sequence consisting of a series of short facts
providing a simple method of relating the relevant, significant
events that lead to the Westward Expansion of
the United States of America. All of the events are
explained with access to additional articles containing
detailed facts and information about each of these
important historical events that aided Westward
Expansion in the United States.
Westward Expansion Timeline and Facts for kids
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 1:
1783 -
1783 Treaty of Paris - The War of
Independence (1775–1783) ends, and the U.S. acquires the
first 13 colonies in the east by the Treaty of
Paris that
establishes the first U.S. boundaries
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 2: 1800
and Travel
- The towns and cities increased
and methods of transport included the stagecoach
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 3: 1803 -
Louisiana Purchase
- The Louisiana
Purchase of land from France extends US lands from the
Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains between the
Canadian border and the Gulf of Mexico
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 4: 1804 -
Lewis and Clark
Expedition - The Lewis and Clark Expedition
explores and map the US lands bought in the 1803 Louisiana Purchase
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 5: 1807 -
- The invention of
steam engines result in steamboats appearing on western
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 6: 1811 -
Road - The Construction of
the Cumberland Road began in Maryland and stretched 600
miles into the Northwest Territory.
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 7: 1812 -
(Toll Roads)
The era of road building introduced the system of
Turnpikes (Toll Roads)
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 8: 1812 -
War of 1812
- The War of 1812
resulted in the people of America thinking of itself as
a unified and strong nation increasing the urge for
Westward Expansion
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 9: 1813 -
The Creek War
- The Creek War
(1813–1814) resulted in the vast cession of Creek
lands in Alabama and Georgia
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 10: 1817
System - The economic plan
introduced by Henry Clay, called the American System,
was aimed at creating a subsidized transportation
infrastructure of new roads and canals
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 11: 1817
Erie Canal
- Construction of the
Erie Canal begins that stretched for 363 miles allowing
the passage of boats inland carrying produce and
passengers from the Atlantic Ocean to Lake Erie
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 12: 1818
Convention and Treaty - The Convention and
Treaty of 1818 with the British establishes the border
with Canada at the 49th Parallel
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact
13: 1819 -
Florida Treaty
- The Florida Treaty,
aka the Adams Onis Treaty, set the boundary between the
US and New Spain (now Mexico)
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 14: 1820
1820 Land Act
- The 1820 Land Act led
to the future confiscation of lands from Native
Americans and lower cost land for settlers in the west
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 15: 1821
Santa Fe Trail
- The 900 mile trade
route, the Santa Fe Trail, opens from Independence,
Missouri, to Santa Fe (now New Mexico).
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 16: 1823
Monroe Doctrine
- The Monroe Doctrine
stated that attempts by European nations to colonize
land in North or South America, would be viewed as acts
of aggression
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 17: 1824
General Survey
Act - The 1824 General
Survey Act authorized the president to have surveys made
of important transportation routes
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 18: 1828
The Railroads
- The 'Stourbridge Lion'
was the first operational locomotive on an American
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 19: 1830
1830 Indian Removal Act
The 1830 Indian Removal Act led to the forced migration
of approximately 60,000 Native Americans
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 20: 1830
Trail of Tears - Between 1830 to 1840
the forced migration included the terrible journey of
the Creek nation on the infamous Trail of Tears
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 21: 1832
The Horsecar
The first horse car line is built in Lower Manhattan
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 22: 1843
Oregon Trail
- The first Important
migration of settlers traveled in Wagon Trains along the
2000 mile Oregon Trail
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 23: 1844
The Telegraph
- The First telegraph
line is established and Morse Code is sent by Samuel
Morse from Washington to Baltimore
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact
24: 1845 -
Annexation - Congress passed a
"Joint Resolution for Annexing Texas to the United
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 25: 1845
Manifest Destiny
- 1845:
John O’Sullivan initiates
the phrase 'Manifest Destiny'
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 26: 1846
Mexican-American War
- The Mexican American
War begins, also known as the Invasion of Mexico
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 27: 1846
Bear Flag Revolt
- The Bear Flag Revolt
against Mexico in Alta California
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 28: 1846
Oregon Treaty
- 1846: The
Oregon Treaty
settled the lands south of the 49th parallel as a US possession
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 29: 1846
Mormonsin Utah
- Brigham Young leads
5,000 Mormons to Utah after experiencing religious
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 30: 1848
Treaty of Guadalupe
Hidalgo - The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
by which Mexico ceded Upper California and New Mexico to
the United States that covered 525,000 square miles for a payment of
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 30: 1848
California Gold Rush
- The California Gold
Rush (1848–1855) started when gold was discovered at
Sutter's Lumber Mill in Coloma, California
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 31: 1849
Apache Wars
- The first conflicts
of the Apache Wars (1849 -1924) erupted in the Southwest
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 32: 1853
Purchase - The
Purchase acquires territory in Arizona and New
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 30: 1854
Sioux Wars
- The Sioux Wars (1854
- 1890) led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull break out in South Dakota, Minnesota and
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 30: 1854
Treaty of Kanagawa
- The Treaty of
Kanagawa with Japan extended the belief of Manifest
Destiny and began a tradition of "Gunboat diplomacy".
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 31: 1854
Manifesto - The Ostend Manifesto
planned for the annexation of Cuba from Spain
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 32: 1860
Express - The short lived Pony
Express was established as the most direct
means of east–west communication before the telegraph
was established
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 32: 1862
Homestead Act
- 1862: The Homestead
Act of 1862 encouraged 600,000 families to travel
westwards by giving them land (usually 160 acres) almost
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 30: 1867
Purchase of Alaska
- Alaska was purchased
from Russia for $7.2 million
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 30: 1869
Transcontinental Railroad
- The
Transcontinental Railroad was completed joining the
eastern and western parts of the United States
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 31: 1872
Manifest Destiny
Painting - The Manifest
Destiny and Westward Expansion Painting called American Progress "Spirit
of the Frontier" was painted by John Gast
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 32: 1879
The Exodusters
- The
Exodusters and the mass migration of
African Americans to Kansas
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 33: 1898
Annexation of
- Queen
Liliuokalani was deposed leading to the Annexation of
Westward Expansion
Timeline Fact 34: 1912
Arizona -
Arizona was admitted to the Union as the last of the 48
contiguous (adjoining) states.
Expansion and Westward Expansion Timeline and Facts for kids
Westward Expansion for kids - President James K Polk Video
The article on the
Westward Expansion for kids provides an overview of one of the Important
ideas of his presidential term in office. The following
James K Polk video will
give you additional important facts and dates about the political events experienced by the 11th American President whose presidency spanned from March 4, 1845 to March 4, 1849.
Westward Expansion
Facts and Manifest timeline for kids and schools
Definition of the Westward Expansion in US history
Facts about the Westward Expansion Timeline
James K Polk Presidency from March 4, 1845 to March 4, 1849
Fast, fun, Westward Expansion
about Important events in his presidency
Westward Expansion Painting and Timeline
● James K Polk
Presidency and the Westward Expansion timeline for schools, homework, kids and