Black History Month for Kids

Who Invented

Black History Month for kids: Black History Month
Summary of the Black History month: The Black History Month is an annual event of remembrance in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom to reflect on the history and achievements of important people and events of the African Diaspora (the movement of peoples from Africa). Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month.

Black History Month for kids: Ideas, Subjects and Topics
Often referred to as African-American History Month in the United States, it is observed in schools and colleges. Each year a different term is selected as a focus for students and their studies. For instance the theme for 2015 focused on "A Century of Black Life, History and Culture". Other themes have included African Americans and the Civil War, Black Women in American Culture and History, Freedom and Equality and Civil Rights.


This article is designed to provide inspiration for projects and studies relating the people and events in Black History. A useful resource for teachers, schools and colleges undertaking projects for the Black History Month.

Black History Month for kids: Background History
The idea of a Black History Month was first introduced in 1926 by a historian named Carter G. Woodson and over the years gained in popularity. In 1976, President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month and each president since this time has designated February as Black History Month.

Black History Month for kids: Ideas, Subjects and Topics
Find interesting articles containing facts, history and important information for the Black History Month. Great ideas on subjects and topics for kids with a short summary and definition with access to detailed info about important historical events in Black History and the famous African American people who played key roles. A useful resource for teachers, schools and colleges undertaking projects for this interesting and important topic.

Black History Month for kids: Famous People
Famous people who played an important historical role over the years included Sojourner Truth, Hariett Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, Nat Turner, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Levi Coffin, Dred Scott, W. E. B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Mary Church Terrell, Benjamin "Pap" Singleton, Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey and Doris "Dorie" Miller. The famous people who featured in events during the Civil Rights Movement included Civil Rights activists such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Thurgood Marshall, Jesse Jackson, Elijah Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan, Ella Baker, Fannie Lou Hamer, James Meredith, Stokely Carmichael, Huey Newton, Eldredge Cleaver and Angela Davis.

Black History Month for kids: Ideas, Subjects and Topics
Find inspiration for Black History Month projects for kids by checking out the list of important people and events which are presented in a unique way by linking the most famous events in Black History to comprehensive articles containing interesting facts and information on each subject. An easy way to discover facts, dates and information about the important historical events that occured in Black History, including the events of the Civil Rights Movement.

Black History Month for kids: Major Events and People in Black History

Black History Month - Black Segregation History - Detailed facts and information on racial segregation in America

Black History Month - Jim Crow Laws - Jim Crow Laws were Southern laws that legalized segregation

Black History Month - Segregation History Timeline - Short facts in this history timeline on black segregation in America

Black History Month - The Black Codes - Southern states laws to restrict the freedom of ex-slaves in the South. 

Black History Month - Plessy vs. Ferguson Case - The impact of the 1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson case on racial segregation

Black History Month - Abolitionist Movement - History of the Abolitionist Movement and slave uprisings

Black History Month - Fugitive Slave Act - The escaped slave laws of 1793 and 1850

Black History Month - Second Great Awakening - Christian revivalist movement that sparked ant-slavery social reform

Black History Month - Buying Freedom from Slavery - How slaves acquired the money to help them buy their freedom

Black History Month - Free States & Slave States - Underground Railway Map, Free States and Slave States

Black History Month - Nat Turner's Rebellion - The history of the short lived slave revolt led by Nat Turner

Black History Month - The "Underground Railroad" - The secret organization that helped slaves escape from slavery

Black History Month - Underground Railroad Maps - Routes of the Underground Railways, the Free and Slave States

Black History Month - Underground Railroad Symbols & Secret Codes - The history of the secret codes used by slaves escaping from slavery

Black History Month - The Amistad Slave Ship - Amistad rebellion, 53 African slaves being shipped to Cuba

Black History Month - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe - The impact of the novel on the Abolitionist Movements

Black History Month - Popular Sovereignty and Slavery - Popular Sovereignty concerning the slavery extension issue

Black History Month - Bleeding Kansas 1854–1861 - Confrontations between Anti-slavery and Pro-slavery militant activists

Black History Month - The Dred Scott Decision - The Dred Scott Decision ruled that slaves were property

Black History Month - John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry - Attempt to seize ammunition from an armoury at Harpers Ferry

Black History Month - The Emancipation Proclamation - War measure freeing slaves in states still in rebellion against the Union

Black History Month - The Freedmen's Bureau - Established to help emancipated slaves (freedmen)

Black History Month - 13th Amendment - 13th Amendment was ratified on December 6, 1865.

Black History Month - Civil Rights Act of 1866 - Legislation to help African Americans obtain equal status under the law.

Black History Month - 14th Amendment 1866 - Citizenship Rights

Black History Month - The Ku Klux Klan - The origins and history of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

Black History Month - Carpetbaggers - Facts on opportunist Northerners who went to the South

Black History Month - Scalawags - Native Southerners who looked to gain during the Reconstruction Era

Black History Month - The 15th Amendment - The 15th Amendment is about Race No Bar to Vote.

Black History Month - Black Populism - History timeline and facts about Black Populism

Black History Month - Enforcement Acts incl. the Ku Klux Klan Act - Protecting African Americans from violence

Black History Month - Civil Rights Act of 1875 - Extended the fundamental guarantees of the Constitution

Black History Month - Sharecropping and Tenant Farming - Mandated the 8 hour day on the railroads

Black History Month - The Exodusters - Exodusters Great Migration of African Americans to Kansas

Black History Month - Atlanta Compromise - Booker T. Washington and the 1895 Atlanta Compromise.

Black History Month - Social Darwinism - The origins and history of Social Darwinism in America

Black History Month - Nativism in America - The rise of Nativism in America


Black History Month for kids: Major Events and People in Black History

Black History Month for kids: Ideas, Subjects and Topics
The Black History Month ideas for projects continue the list of important people and events which are presented in a unique way by linking the most famous events in Black History to comprehensive articles containing interesting facts and information on each subject. An easy way to discover facts, dates and information about the important historical events that occured in Black History. An ideal resource for teachers, kids, schools and colleges undertaking projects for the Black History Month.

Black History Month for kids: Major Events and People in Black History

Black History Month - American Entry into WW1 - Attitudes of Americans towards the war and the reasons for US entry

Black History Month - The Harlem Hellfighters - The all-black 369th Infantry regiment who received the French Croix de Guerre.

Black History Month - Niagara Movement - Niagara Movement was black civil rights organization, a forerunner of the NAACP

Black History Month - Niagara Movement Speech - Read the text of the famous speech by W.E.B. Du Bois

Black History Month - Niagara Movement Declaration - Text and words of the Niagara Movement Declaration of Principles.

Black History Month - NAACP Facts and Timeline - 1909 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Black History Month - Marcus Garvey Biography - Facts and Biography of Marcus Garvey, Black Nationalism and the UNIA

Black History Month - The Harlem Renaissance - The Harlem Renaissance was the flowering of African American culture.

Black History Month - WW1 Great Migration - African Americans move from the southern farmlands to northern cities.

Black History Month - Harlem Renaissance People - The Names and Lists of Famous Harlem Renaissance Figures

Black History Month - Harlem Renaissance Poets - Facts on the Poets of the Harlem Renaissance and their poems and Poetry

Black History Month - Harlem Renaissance Writers - Facts on the Writers and Authors of the Harlem Renaissance and their Books

Black History Month - Harlem Renaissance Artists - Facts on the famous Artists of the Harlem Renaissance

Black History Month - Harlem Renaissance Singers - The Singers of the Harlem Renaissance and their songs

Black History Month - Harlem Renaissance Musicians - The Musicians of the Harlem Renaissance and their music and songs

Black History Month - The Jazz Age - The Jazz Age associated with exuberance and the introduction of jazz music

Black History Month - Resurgence 1920's Ku Klux Klan - 1920's KKK - Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s and the march down Pennsylvania Avenue

Black History Month - Eugenics Movement - Eugenics Movement in America - Pseudo-Scientific Racism

Black History Month - Zoot Suit Riots - Zoot Suit Riots erupted in Los Angeles, California during WW2

Black History Month - Doris "Dorie" Miller - Doris "Dorie" Miller the African American hero at Pearl Harbor

Black History Month - Tuskegee Airmen - Tuskegee Airmen and the Red Tails

Black History Month for kids: Major Events and People in Black History

Civil Rights Movement for kids: Ideas, Subjects and Topics
The ideas for projects continue with comprehensive articles containing interesting facts and information on the Civil Rights Movement. An easy way to discover facts, dates and information about the important historical events that occured in the Civil Rights Movement. An ideal resource for teachers, kids, schools and colleges undertaking projects and homework.

Major Events and People during the Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Month - The Civil Rights Movement - The origins and main people and events of the Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Month - Civil Rights Movement Timeline - Important dates during the Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Month - Civil Rights Movement Facts - Fast, interesting facts about people, places, events of Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Month - Civil Rights Act of 1957 - Intended to protect the right of African Americans to vote

Civil Rights Month - Freedom Riders - The first Freedom Riders boarded their buses in May 1961

Civil Rights Month - The Watts Riots - The Watts Riots broke out in an African American neighbourhood in Los Angeles.

Civil Rights Month - Nation of Islam - The Nation of Islam, the Black Muslims, who were led by Elijah Muhammad

Civil Rights Month - Montgomery Bus Boycott - The Montgomery Bus Boycott, the protest against segregation on buses

Civil Rights Month - Selma March - Series of Selma Freedom March from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama

Civil Rights Month - Brown vs Board of Education - NAACP lawyer Thurgood Marshall wins against school segregation

Civil Rights Month - The SCLC - The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) was founded

Civil Rights Month - Little Rock Nine - Crisis re the admission of 9 African American students to Central High

Civil Rights Month - The SNCC - The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) founded in April 1960

Civil Rights Month - Letter from Birmingham Jail - MLK, jailed in the Birmingham Campaign, wrote the letter from Birmingham jail.

Civil Rights Month - March on Washington - The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963

Civil Rights Month - Black Power - The people and events of the Black Power movement

Civil Rights Month - Black Panthers - The militant Black Panthers were established 1966

Civil Rights Month - The Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Civil Rights Act of 1964 aimed at ending segregation and racial discrimination.

Civil Rights Month - EEOC - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was established

Civil Rights Month - Voting Rights Act of 1965 - The Voting Rights Act of 1965 to prevent discrimination and protect voting rights.

Civil Rights Month - MLK Assassination - Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968

Major Events and People during the Civil Rights Movement

Crash Course in American History: Summaries of Events in the Black History Month for kids
A fast overview, or crash course in Black American History, during the Black History Month for kids can be obtained from the interesting and important articles on United States History for Kids that can be found in the section with summaries and definitions of the key historical events for Black History Month projects for kids. An interesting resource for teachers, kids, schools and colleges undertaking projects for the Black History Month.

Black History Month for kids: Video of US Presidents
The articles for the Black American History month for Kids and teachers provides historical facts and information about the important historical events that occurred in history. The following video will give you additional important facts, history and dates about the personal and political lives of all the US Presidents, adding to your knowledge of United States History.

Black History Month for kids
● Events for the
Black History Month for kids history for kids and schools
Key historical events in the Black History Month for kids for kids
Important, key, historical events of Black History Month for kids
Facts about the Black History Month for kids
Fast, fun, interesting facts for kids
Important for kids events in American History
● For kids for schools, teachers, homework, kids and children

Black History Month for kids - US - Historical Facts - Important Events - Important People - Month for kids - People and Events for Kids - Summaries - African American History - US African Americans - USA African Americans  - People and Events for Kids - Month for kids - America - Dates - United States African Americans - People and Events for Kids - Children - Schools - Homework - Important - Facts - African American - United States  - African Americans - Interesting - People and Events for Kids - Events - Facts - Interesting - Info - Information - Facts - Historical - Important Events for kids

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