Inventions in the 1920's

Who Invented

Inventions in the 1920's: Inventions that shaped America in the 1920s
Advances in technology led to the age of electricity and many homes in America, especially in the industrialized cities, were powered by electricity. Access to electricity in the 1920's provided Americans with the power required to run new labor-saving devices such as refrigerators, washing machines, radios, phonographs, electric razors and irons,  and vacuum cleaners. The 1920's was also a time of prosperity for many Americans and there was access to easy credit which made it possible for people to take advantage of the Inventions in the 1920's.

List of Inventions that shaped America for kids
The list of inventions that shaped America in the 1920s included the automobile, the airplane, the washing machine, the radio, the assembly line, refrigerator, garbage disposal, electric razor, instant camera, jukebox and television.


Inventions in the 1920's Facts for kids: List of Famous Inventions
The list of inventions that shaped America in the 1920s are detailed on the following list:

List of Famous Inventions that shaped America in the 1920s for kids

Electric Iron ● Washing Machine ● Radio ● Vacuum Cleaner ● Model T Automobile ● Electric Toaster ● Electric Blanket ● The Assembly Line ● Refrigerator ● Electric Dishwasher ● Band-Aid ● Drive-in restaurant ● Sunglasses ● Audiometer ● Traffic Signal ● Automatic Wrist Watch ● Bulldozer ● Instant Camera ● Loudspeakers ● Television ● Bread Slicer ● Jukebox ● Garbage Disposal ● Electric razor ● Frozen food

List of Famous Inventions shaped America in the 1920s for kids

Facts about Inventions in the 1920's for kids: Timeline of Inventions that shaped America in the 1920s
The following fact sheet contains interesting facts and information about Inventions in the 1920's. The following list contains details of the inventors and the Inventions that shaped America in the 1920s.

Timeline of Inventions in the 1920's Inventions that shaped America in the 1920s...

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 1: 1905 - Electric Iron: Timeline: The first lightweight electric iron was invented by American businessman Earl Richardson in 1905. His design made the iron with more heat in the point - he called his new company Hotpoint which he founded founded in 1911.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 2: 1907 - Washing Machine: Timeline: The first electric washing machine sold commercially in the United States was the Thor washing machine, produced by Hurley Electric Laundry Equipment Company in 1907. The Thor washing machine was designed by Hurley engineer Alva J. Fisher, a patent for the new electric washing machine was issued on August 9, 1910. The Thor electric washing machine was mass marketed throughout America in 1908. US electric washing machine sales reached 913,000 units in 1928

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 3: 1907 - Radio Amplifier: Timeline: The Radio amplifier was invented by Lee DeForest

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 4: 1907 - Vacuum Cleaner: Timeline: Janitor James Spangler invented his "electric suction-sweeper," the first practical domestic vacuum cleaner in 1907 and sold the rights the following year to a relative, William Hoover.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 5: 1908 - Model T Automobile: Timeline: The Model T automobile was created by Henry Ford   - refer to Henry Ford and the Model T

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 1: 1909 - Electric Toaster: Timeline: An employee of General Electric, Frank Shailor, invented the first commercially successful electric toaster in 1909

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 6: 1912 - Electric Blanket: Timeline: The first practical electric blanket was invented in 1912 by American physician Sidney I. Russell.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 7: 1913 - The Assembly Line: Timeline: The Assembly Line as first fully adopted by Henry Ford in 1913 when he installed the first moving assembly line to produce the famous Ford Model T

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 8: 1913 - The Radio: Timeline: Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi succeeded in the first radio broadcast in 1900. The US Radio Industry began in 1913 when American engineer, Edwin Armstrong, invented a special circuit that made long-range radio transmission of voice and music practical.  1920's Radio and Advertising

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 9: 1913 - Refrigerator: Timeline: The first refrigerator for home use were invented by American inventor Fred W. Wolf in 1913. In 1923 Frigidaire introduced the first self-contained unit expanding the market and introducing Americans to domestic refrigerators and freezers for food storage.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 10: 1913 - Electric Dishwasher: Timeline: The first electric dishwasher was invented by the Walker brothers in 1913. The first small dishwasher suitable for domestic use was invented by inventor William Howard Livens in 1924.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 11: 1917 - Guided Missile: Timeline: American inventor Elmer Sperry built the first aerial torpedo in 1917, which became the first successful guided missile. Refer to Early US Aviation

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 12: 1920 - First US Radio Station: Timeline: America's first Radio Station was KDKA who were issued with the first ever license on Oct. 27, 1920 - refer to 1920's Radio and Advertising

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 13: 1921 - Band-Aid: Timeline: The convenient dressing with adhesive tape was invented by Earle Dickson in 1921.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 14: 1921 - Drive-in restaurant: Timeline: The first drive-in restaurant was Kirby's Pig Stand, which opened in Dallas, Texas, in 1921

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 15: 1921 - Lie Detector: Timeline: The lie detector, the modern polygraph system that sensed reactions that helped to determine whether or not a person was lying, was invented by John A. Larson in 1921

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 16: 1922 - The Convertible: Timeline: American Ben P. Ellerbeck created the first practical retractable hardtop (convertible) prototype in 1922.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 17: 1922 - Audiometer: Timeline: Dr. Harvey Fletcher of Brigham Young University invented the first audiometer for evaluating hearing loss in 1922.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 18: 1923 - Traffic Signal: Timeline: After seeing two vehicles crash into each other Garret Morgan invented the traffic signal in 1923.

Facts about Inventions in the 1920's for kids
The following fact sheet continues with facts about Inventions in the 1920's for kids.

Timeline of Inventions in the 1920's Inventions that shaped America in the 1920s...

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 19: 1923 - Automatic Watch: Timeline: The first self winding wrist watch, with a self-winding mechanism, was invented by John Harwood in 1923.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 20: 1923 - Bulldozer: Timeline: Americans James Cummings and J. Earl McLeod co-invented and built the first bulldozer in 1923

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 21: 1923 - Instant Camera: Timeline: The earliest instant camera, with self-developing film, was invented by Samuel Shlafrock in 1923.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 22: 1924 - Loudspeaker System: Timeline: Chester Rice and Edward Kellogg, invented the modern loudspeaker system in 1924

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 23: 1924 - Earth inductor compass: Timeline: The Earth inductor compass, that provided pilots with a more stable and reliable reference instrument, was designed by Morris Titterington in 1924.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 24: 1924 - Moviola: Timeline: The Moviola enabled a movie editor to view film while editing was invented in the US by Dutch-American Iwan Serrurier in 1924. Refer to Hollywood in the 1920s

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 25: 1924 - Radio Altimeter: Timeline: American engineer Lloyd Espenschied invented the radio altimeter, that measured the altitude above the terrain presently beneath an aircraft, in 1924.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 26: 1925 - Television: Timeline: Television was invented in 1925 by John Logie Baird. The first experimental Television broadcast in the US. was in 1928.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 27: 1926 - Garage door opener: Timeline: In 1926, the electric garage door opener was invented by C.G. Johnson.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 28: 1926 - Liquid Rocket: Timeline: American engineer and physicist Robert Goddard invented the first liquid fueled rocket in 1926 that resulted in an important milestone toward spaceflight.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 29: 1927 - Bread Slicer: Timeline: The first automatic commercial bread slicing machine was invented by American inventor and engineer Otto Frederick Rohwedder in 1927.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 30: 1927 - Jukebox: Timeline: The first selective jukebox was introduced in 1927 by the Automated Musical Instrument Company (AMI).

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 31: 1927 - Electrical Television System: Timeline: The electrical television system with the dissector tube was invented by Philo Fransworth in 1927.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 32: 1927 - Garbage Disposal: Timeline: The electrical garbage disposal unit that shredded food waste into small pieces to be disposed by the plumbing system, was invented in 1927 by John W. Hammes.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 33: 1927 - Pressure washer: Timeline: American Frank Ofeldt invented the steam pressure washer to clean buildings, automobiles and concrete surfaces in 1927.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 34: 1928 - Electric razor: Timeline: The electric razor was invented by Jacob Schick in 1928. This convenient form of shaving did not require the  use of water or shaving cream.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 35: 1929 - Sunglasses: Timeline: Sunglasses were invented by Sam Foster in 1929.

Inventions in the 1920's Fact 36: 1929 - Frozen food: Timeline: American inventor and entrepreneur Clarence Birdseye offered quick-frozen foods to the American public in 1929

Timeline of Inventions in the 1920's Inventions that shaped America in the 1920s...

Inventions in the 1920's Facts for kids: List of Famous Inventors of the early 1900's
Many of the names of Famous inventors of the 1920's era are detailed on the following list.

List of Famous Inventors of the early 1900's for kids

Earl Richardson ● Alva J. Fisher ● Lee DeForest ● James Spangler ● Sidney I. Russell ● Henry Ford ● Edwin Armstrong ● Guglielmo Marconi ● Fred W. Wolf ● William Howard Livens ● Elmer Sperry ● Earle Dickson ● John A. Larson ● Ben P. Ellerbeck ● Dr. Harvey Fletcher ● Garret Morgan ● John Harwood ● Samuel Shlafrock ● Morris Titterington ● Iwan Serrurier ● Lloyd Espenschied ● John Logie Baird ● C.G. Johnson ● Robert Goddard ● Otto Frederick Rohwedder ● Philo Fransworth ● Frank Ofeldt ● Jacob Schick ● Sam Foster ● Clarence Birdseye

List of Famous Inventors of the early 1900's for kids

Facts about Inventions in the 1920's for kids
For visitors interested in the history of life in America during the 1920's and Inventions and Inventors refer to the following articles:

American Inventions in the 1920's for kids
The article on American Inventions in the 1920's provides detailed facts and a summary of the important events and people in the history of the United States
- a crash course in American History. The following video will give you additional important facts, history and dates about the personal and political lives of all the US Presidents.

Inventions in the 1920's: Facts and Inventions Timeline

● Interesting Facts about Inventions in the 1920's for kids and schools
● The History of Inventions in the 1920's in America for kids
● History of Inventions in the 1920's and famous inventors
List of names of famous inventors and Inventions in the 1920's
● Fast, fun Facts about inventors and Inventions in the 1920's
● Inventions in the 1920's and names of famous inventors
Fast, Fun Facts about  the Inventions in the 1920's and inventors for schools, homework, kids and children

Inventions in the 1920's - Facts - Inventions in the 1920's - Famous 1920s Inventors - Inventions in the 1920's - Facts - Inventions in the 1920's - Inventions in the 1920's - Definition - 1920s Inventors - American - US - USA - Inventions in the 1920's - America - Dates - United States - Kids - Children - Schools - Homework - Important - Facts on Inventions in the 1920's - Inventions in the 1920's - 1920s Inventors - Interesting - Inventions in the 1920's - Info - Information - Inventions in the 1920's - Famous 1920s Inventors - American History - Facts - Inventions in the 1920's - Famous 1920s Inventors - Inventions in the 1920's

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