Progressive Era Timeline
(1890 - 1920)
for kids
The timeline
history of the progressive reform societies, the crusading
authors and important people and political events in
the Progressive Era Timeline. Interesting facts via the Progressive Era Timeline
with info on
important Progressives are detailed below. The
information on Progressive Era Timeline is told in a
factual, date sequence consisting of a series of
short facts providing a simple method of relating
the history and events in the US Progressive Era.
Access to articles about the most important events,
laws and amendments of the Progressive Era are also
provided in the timeline.
US Progressive Era Timeline
for kids: 1890 - 1920
Era Timeline 1890: In 1890 the National Woman Suffrage
Association and the American Woman Suffrage Association
groups united to form the National American Woman
Suffrage Association (NAWSA) - refer to
Women's Suffrage.
Era Timeline 1890: 1890: Jacob Riis (1849 –1914), the
city editor of the New York Tribune, author and
photographer publishes "How the Other Half Lives"
graphically describing the squalor of the New York slums.
Era Timeline 1890:
1890: The
Sherman Antitrust
was the first measure passed by the U.S. Congress to
prohibit monopolies.
Era Timeline 1893: 1893: The Anti-Saloon League was
formed adding to the force of the Women’s Christian
Temperance Union.
Era Timeline 1896: 1896: Educator and social reformer
John Dewey (1859 – 1952) establishes a “progressive”
school in Chicago.
Era Timeline 1898: 1898: The
Erdman Act prohibited discrimination against
railroad workers because of union membership and
provided for mediation of railway labor disputes .
Era Timeline 1899: 1899: The National Consumers’ League
was established by social and political reformer
Florence Kelley (1859 – 1932) fighting against
Era Timeline 1901: 1901: Following the disaster of the
Galveston Hurricane
Galveston introduced the commission system of government
replacing the mayor and city council. a major step in
the Progressive Era Timeline.
Era Timeline 1901: 1901: Frank Norris (1870 – 1902)
publishes 'The Octopus: A Story of California' . Writing
in the naturalist genre about the conflict between the
California wheat farmers and the Southern Pacific
Era Timeline 1902: 1902: The
Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902 was one of America's
largest industrial strikes and saw President Roosevelt
act as a mediator.
Era Timeline 1902: 1902: President Roosevelt takes J.P.
Morgan’s Northern
Securities Company to court for violating the
Sherman Antitrust Act in his “trust-busting” efforts to
break up Big business monopolies.
US Progressive Era Timeline
for kids: 1890 - 1920
Progressive Era Timeline: History timeline of
Progressive Era Reforms and Amendments
(1890 - 1920)
Details of reforms and amendments continue in the
Progressive Era timeline .
US Progressive Era Timeline
for kids: 1890 - 1920
Era Timeline 1903: 1903: Department of Commerce and
Labor established to reduce tensions between management
and labor. It includes a division called the Bureau of
Corporations, with the authority to investigate and
regulate corporations without having to sacrifice
economic efficiency by breaking up the trusts.
Era Timeline 1904:
1904: The
Square Deal Policy
in which President Roosevelt supports progressive and
aggressive political reforms, including the heavy
regulation of business.
Conservation was a cornerstone of his domestic policy
Era Timeline 1904: 1904: The National Child Labor
Committee was established with the goal of abolishing
all child labor
Era Timeline 1905: 1905: Progressive activist
Robert La
Follette was elected to the U.S. Senate.
Era Timeline 1906: 1906: Upton Sinclair (1878 – 1968),
publishes his muckraking novel The Jungle about labor
exploitation and appalling conditions in meatpacking
Era Timeline 1906: 1906: The passage of the Hepburn Act
challenging the economic power of the railroad industry.
It also expands the jurisdiction of the
Commerce Commission (ICC)
Era Timeline 1906: 1906:
Pure Food and Drug Act
and the
Meat Inspection Act
are passed to protect the public’s health and welfare.
Era Timeline 1907: 1907: John Spargo (1876–1966)
published 'The Bitter Cry of the Children' on child
labor conditions in the coal mines and the plight of the
"breaker boys".
Era Timeline 1907: 1907: Theologian Walter Rauschenbusch
(1861–1918) the primary theologian of the “Social
Gospel” movement publishes his book 'Christianity and
the Social Crisis'.
Era Timeline 1909: 1909: Ida B.Wells (1862 – 1931) an
African-American journalist, suffragist and Progressive
is instrumental in founding the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to challenge
racial discrimination.
Era Timeline 1910: 1910: The Mann-Elkins Act strengthens
the Hepburn Act and gives the Interstate Commerce
Commission authority to regulate telephone and telegraph
Era Timeline 1911: 1911: The deaths of 146 sweatshop
workers in the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire raises
awareness of urban work environments.
Era Timeline 1911: 1911: Antitrust suits brought against
Standard Oil and U.S. Steel.
Era Timeline 1913: 1913: The 17th amendment to the
Constitution was ratified to counter Senate corruption
by the direct election of senators
Era Timeline 1913: 1913: The
1913 Federal Reserve Act established the
Federal Reserve System
Era Timeline 1913: 1913: The
1913 Underwood Tariff
reduced the average tariff on imported goods
Era Timeline 1914: 1914: The Federal Trade Commission is
established by the
1914 Federal Trade Commission Act to regulate fair competition among Big
business and industry.
Era Timeline 1914: 1914: The
Clayton Antitrust Act
revises the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act and bans
monopolistic and unfair business practices and affirms the right
to go on strike.
Era Timeline 1916: 1916: The
Keating-Owen Child Labor
Act limits how many hours children are allowed to work
- also refer to
Child Labor in America
Era Timeline 1916: 1916: The
Adamson Act establishes an
eight-hour workday for railroad
Era Timeline 1916: 1916: The
Federal Farm Loan Act
created 12 Federal Land Banks to provide small farmers
with long-term loans at low interest rates.
Era Timeline 1919: 1919: The 18th Amendment is passed
prohibiting the sale and manufacture of liquor.
Era Timeline 1919: 1919: The 19th Amendment is passed
giving women the right to vote - refer to
US Progressive Era Timeline
for kids: 1890 - 1920
For additional facts refer to the article detailing
Progressive Movement
and the
Progressive Reforms that
were introduced at
city, state and federal levels.
Progressive Era Timeline for kids - Progressivism
The causes of Progressivism
were extremely diverse.
We recommend that reference is made to following
articles that provide facts, information about:
Progressive Era Timeline for kids - President Theodore Roosevelt Video
The article on the
Progressive Era Timeline provides detailed facts and a summary of one of the important events during his presidential term in office. The following video will
give you additional important facts and dates about the political events experienced by the 26th American President whose presidency spanned from September 14, 1901 to March 4, 1909.
Progressive Era Timeline
Facts about the Progressive Era Timeline for kids and schools
Summary of the Progressive Era Timeline in US history
The Progressive Era Timeline, a major
event in US history
Theodore Roosevelt from September 14, 1901 to March 4, 1909
Fast, fun facts about the Progressive Era Timeline
Foreign & Domestic
policies of President Theodore Roosevelt
● Theodore Roosevelt Presidency and
Progressive Era Timeline for schools,
homework, kids and children |