1906 Pure Food and Drug Act for kids: Progressive
Progressive Era was the
period in US History in which pressure
groups raised the awareness of political and social injustices and
the plight of many Americans who were living in squalid conditions,
and earned their living in dangerous and unhealthy working
conditions. Unpleasant changes in society had been brought about by
rapid Urbanization where people had moved from a rural environment
to a congested, dirty city setting. The effects of Industrialization
had led to the growth of
Big Business and Corporations and the rise of massive factories
owned by ruthless, greedy
Robber Barons
who cared little about people, but a lot about profits. The drive to
increase production and improve profits led unhygienic practices
that threatened the welfare and safety of the nation.
1906 Pure Food and Drug Act for kids:
Background History - Upton Sinclair
The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 and the Meat Inspection
Act of 1906 were both widely accredited to a book called 'The
Jungle' that was written by the Progressive author Upton Sinclair.
Upton Sinclair revealed the unhygienic and
unsanitary methods used by the food industry and a scandal emerged
about the quality and purity of food sold to the U.S. public. The
Jungle was published in 1906 and became an international best
seller. Upton Sinclair exposed Chicago's meatpacking industry
telling lurid tales of diseased meat, of dead rats and the poison
that killed them being thrown into the processing vats to make
1906 Pure Food and Drug Act for kids: Public
The ensuing public outcry resulted in a government
investigation which changed the food laws in America overnight.
Upton Sinclair was reviled by the industry owners as one of the
of the Progressive Era. President Roosevelt sent social worker James
Bronson Reynolds and labor commissioner Charles P. Neill to
investigate the Upton Sinclair's claims, and make surprise visits to
meat packing facilities. President Theodore Roosevelt was appalled by the
Neill-Reynolds report - Upton Sinclair's damning revelations were
all true. The Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act
were immediately signed into law.
What was the Purpose of the Pure Food
and Drug Act?
What did the Pure Food
and Drug Act
do? The purpose of the Pure Food and Drug Act was:
● To respond to the public
outcry against the unhygienic and
unsanitary processing methods
● To protect the public from
contaminated, unsafe food
● To protect the public from
deceptive, mis-labeled and amplified claims of the benefits,
cures and effectiveness of a drug or medicine made, marketed and
branded by a manufacturer that is available without prescription
The man responsible for
drafting the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 was Dr. H.W. Wiley, the
chief chemist of the US Department of Agriculture.
What are the Provisions of the Pure Food and Drug Act?
What did the Pure Food and Drug Act
Pure Food and Drug Act prohibited the
interstate transportation and sale of adulterated food and
deceptive medicines
● It prevented adulteration
of foods and drugs
● It prevented mis-labeling
of foods and drugs
Pure Food and Drug Act prohibited
exaggerated claims of effectiveness made for pseudo-medical
patent medicines
● The Pure Food and Drug Act
was enacted by Congress in accordance with its power under the
Commerce Clause in the Constitution:
● ● Article 1, Section 8,
Clause 3, of the Constitution (the Commerce Clause) gives
Congress exclusive power over trade activities among the
1906 Pure Food and Drug Act for kids:
What is the Definition of "Adulterated" food?
The Pure Food and Drug Act banned the interstate
transportation and sale of adulterated food. But what is the
Definition of "Adulterated food"? "Adulterated" food is defined as:
● Food which is combined, or
packaged, with another substance that adversely affects the
quality or strength of the food
● Foods that are substituted
in whole, or part, by another substance
● Foods that have had any
essential component removed in whole or part
● Foods that have been
blended, coated, colored, or stained to conceal damage or
● Foods that have had
poisonous or harmful additions made to it
● Foods that are composed of
filthy or decomposed animal or vegetable matter
● Food that is the product
of a diseased animal, or an animal that has died, other than by
What was
the Impact of the
Pure Food and Drug Act?
was the Pure Food and Drug Act important? The Impact of the Pure
Food and Drug Act was:
● To improve
the general health and welfare of the public
● It
prevented the misrepresentation of medicine and
● It gave
credibility to the Square Deal domestic policy
of President Roosevelt
● It gave
credence to the effectiveness of investigative
journalism, books that tackled social issues and
the importance of the Progressive authors
referred to as 'Muckrakers'
The Pure Food
and Drug Act was subsequently amended in 1912, 1913,
and 1919. The provisions of the Pure Food and Drug
Act of 1906 were superseded by the stricter
provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
Why was
the Pure Food and Drug Act typical of Progressive Reform?
The Pure Food and Drug Act was typical of
progressive reform as it:
● Challenged
the unsavory and unethical practices of
● It tackled
the progressive issues relating to the
improvement of the health and safety of the
● The whole
subject was brought to the attention of the
public and the government by the work of a
Progressive writer (Muckraker)
This website and any information contained herein
are intended for educational and informational
purposes only and should not be construed as legal
advice. Seek competent legal counsel from a lawyer
for advice on any legal matter.
Pure Food and Drug Act for kids - President Theodore Roosevelt Video
The article on the Pure Food and Drug Act provides detailed facts and a summary of one of the important events during his presidential term in office. The following video will
give you additional important facts and dates about the political events experienced by the 26th American President whose presidency spanned from September 14, 1901 to March 4, 1909.
Pure Food and Drug Act
Facts about the Pure Food and Drug Act for kids and schools
Summary of the Pure Food and Drug Act in US history
The Pure Food and Drug Act, a major
event in US history
Theodore Roosevelt from September 14, 1901 to March 4, 1909
Fast, fun facts about the Pure Food and Drug Act
Foreign & Domestic
policies of President Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt Presidency and
Pure Food and Drug Act for schools,
homework, kids and children |