Privacy Act of 1974

Gerald Ford

Definition and Summary of the Privacy Act of 1974
Summary and Definition: The Privacy Act of 1974 was enacted on December 31, 1974 during the Ford Administration to provide restrictions and safeguards against the invasion of personal privacy through the misuse of data and records by Federal Agencies. The Privacy Act of 1974 established a a Privacy Protection Study Commission and granted access to records maintained by Federal agencies. National security exemptions to the Privacy Act of 1974 apply to records maintained by the Police, Secret Service and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The 1988 Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Actamended the Privacy Act of 1974.

Privacy Act of 1974
Gerald Ford was the 38th American President who served in office from August 9, 1974 to January 20, 1977. One of the important events during his presidency was the Privacy Act of 1974.


Provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974: Facts for kids
The new law imposed completely new requirements on the federal government's handling of information concerning individuals. The provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974:

● Restricted the disclosure of personally identifiable information
● Required fair information practices in the maintenance of systems of records that contained personal information
● Required individual notice and consent before collection and disclosure of records
● Provided for access to an individual’s personal data
● Restricted use of Social Security Numbers as personal identifiers
● Restricted the use of computer matching programs for any computerized comparison of two or more automated record systems
● Required transparency via Federal Register publication of Systems of Records retrievable by personal identifiers, including biometrics
● Restricted records of First Amendment activities and freedoms relating to of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition
● The law provided Civil and Criminal penalties for violations and private court actions by individuals

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts for kids
The following fact sheet contains interesting facts and information on the Privacy Act of 1974.

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts for kids

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts - 1:

In 1974 there was no internet, no cell phones or smart phones but people had begun to have concerns about the information held on individual by government agencies.

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts - 2:

Federal agency data banks were collecting personally identifiable information about individuals.

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts - 3:

Biometrics, the collection and use of unique physiological characteristics to identify an individual, such as finger prints, voice recognition and photographs were also giving concern especially if they were used without an individual's  knowledge or consent.

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts - 4:

The 1960's and 1970's also saw the increased use of computers and advances in computer technology, enabling the government to accumulate and store personal information.

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts - 5:

Data practices were largely unregulated and their implications regarding privacy were causing suspicion and concern amongst many Americans.

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts - 6:

Between 1965 and 1974 various congressional committees issued reports on how individual privacy rights were affected by the growth of data banks and the emergence of electronic data collection and storage. In 1974 over 850 federal agency “data banks” had been established.


Privacy Act of 1974 Facts for kids

Facts about the Privacy Act of 1974 for kids
The following fact sheet continues with facts about Privacy Act of 1974.

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts for kids

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts - 7: In 1972 the Code of Fair Information Practices was developed by HEW, the Health, Education, Welfare Advisory Committee on Automated Data Systems.

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts - 8: The proposals in the HEW report related to the Automated Personal Data Systems, Records, computers, and the Rights of Citizens and was an important catalyst for the legislation known as the Privacy Act of 1974.

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts - 9: The 1973 Code of Fair Information Practices was based on five principles:

There must be no secret, personal data record-keeping systems
There must be a method to identify what information about an individual was on record and how it is used
There must be a method to prevent information about an individual obtained for one purpose from being used or made available for other purposes, without the individual's consent
There must be a way for an individual to correct or amend a record of identifiable information
Organizations holding identifiable personal data must assure the reliability of the data and take precautions to prevent its misuse

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts - 10: The Privacy Act of 1974 was one of many laws adopted in the wake of the Watergate Scandal that  responded to public concerns about potential government misuse of private information and to demands for increased government accountability to the public.

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts - 11: Congress incorporated the principles of the Code of Fair Information Practices into the Privacy Act of 1974 and responded to the public concerns following Watergate.

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts - 12: The new law applied to Federal executive branch agencies, including the Executive Office of the President

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts - 13: Amendments to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to clarify and protect the right of the public to information and regulate government control of documents, were enacted the same year as the Privacy Act of 1974.

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts - 14: The Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988 amended the Privacy Act of 1974. 

Privacy Act of 1974 Facts for kids

Privacy Act of 1974 - President Gerald Ford Video
The article on the Privacy Act of 1974 provides detailed facts and a summary of one of the important events during his presidential term in office. The following Gerald Ford video will give you additional important facts and dates about the political events experienced by the 38th American President whose presidency spanned from August 9, 1974 to January 20, 1977.

Privacy Act of 1974

● Interesting Facts about Privacy Act of 1974 for kids and schools
● Summary of the Privacy Act of 1974 in US history
● Facts about the Privacy Act of 1974
● Gerald Ford Presidency from August 9, 1974 to January 20, 1977
● Fast, fun, Privacy Act of 1974 about major events in his presidency
● Foreign & Domestic policies of President Gerald Ford
● Gerald Ford Presidency and Privacy Act of 1974 for schools, homework, kids and children

Privacy Act of 1974 - US History - Facts - Major Event - Definition - American - US - USA - Privacy Act of 1974 - America - Dates - United States - Kids - Children - Schools - Homework - Important - Facts - Issues - Key - Main - Major - Events - History - Interesting - Privacy Act of 1974 - Info - Information - American History - Facts - Historical - Major Events - Privacy Act - President Gerald Ford

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