Franklin Pierce

president Franklin Pierce

Summary of President Franklin Pierce for Kids: "Handsome Frank"
Summary: Franklin Pierce (1804-1869), nicknamed the "Handsome Frank", was the 14th American President and served in office from 1853-1857. The Presidency of Franklin Pierce spanned the period in United States history that encompasses the events of the Secession Era. President Franklin Pierce represented the Democratic political party which influenced the domestic and foreign policies of his presidency. His highly sociable character led to alcoholism which was accompanied by bouts of depression.

The major accomplishments and the famous, main events that occurred during the time that Franklin Pierce was president included the Indian Wars, the Gadsden Purchase (1853), the Treaty of Kanagawa (1854), the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) and the Ostend Manifesto (1854). The most famous invention of the period was the Steel and the Bessemer Process when, in 1855, Henry Bessemer invented a process to create steel from iron. Franklin Pierce died of a stomach inflammation on October 8, 1869, aged 64. The next president was James Buchanan.  


Life of Franklin Pierce for kids - Franklin Pierce Fact File
The summary and fact file of Franklin Pierce provides bitesize facts about his life.

Franklin Pierce Fact File

Birthday: November 23, 1804 Height: 5 feet 10 inches
Nickname: Handsome Frank or Purse Religion: Episcopalian
Age at Inauguration: 48 Political Party: Democratic 
First Lady: Jane Pierce Vice President: William R. King
Place of Birth: New Hampshire Weight: 144 pounds
Number: 14th President Date of Death: October 8, 1869

Date of Franklin Pierce Presidency: March 4, 1853 to March 4, 1857

Franklin Pierce Fact File

The Nickname of Franklin Pierce: "Handsome Frank" or "Purse"
The nickname of President Franklin Pierce provides an insight into how the man was viewed by the American public during his presidency. The meaning of the nickname "Handsome Frank" obviously refers to his boyish good looks. The meaning of his other nickname 'Purse' was a reference to his sponsorship of the Gadsden Purchase in which $10 million was paid for 45,535 sq. miles in parts of the states of Arizona and New Mexico. 

Character and Personality Type of Franklin Pierce
The character traits of President Franklin Pierce can be described as outgoing, pleasant, charming, genial, open and direct. It has been speculated that the Myers-Briggs personality type for Franklin Pierce is an ESTP (introversion, intuition, thinking, perceiving). An outgoing, active, influential and resourceful character with the ability to improvise to achieve desired results. Franklin Pierce Personality type: Socially sophisticated, persuasive, competitive and easily bored.

Accomplishments of Franklin Pierce and the Famous Events during his Presidency
The accomplishments of Franklin Pierce and the most famous events during his presidency are provided
in an interesting, short summary format detailed below.

Franklin Pierce for kids - 1853 Gadsden Purchase
Summary of the 1853 Gadsden Purchase: The
Gadsden Purchase negotiated on December 30, 1853 by James Gadsden resulted in the acquisition of 30,000 sq. miles in Arizona and New Mexico for $10 million dollars.

Franklin Pierce for kids - 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act
Summary of the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act: The
1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed by Congress on May 30, 1854 allowing settlers in the new territories to decide whether or not to have slavery.

Franklin Pierce for kids - Bleeding Kansas 1854–1861
Summary of Bleeding Kansas:
Bleeding Kansas is the term used to refer to the violent confrontations in Kansas, and border towns of Missouri, after the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The confrontations took place from 1854 - 1861 and involved bloody conflicts between Anti-slavery and Pro-slavery militant activists.

Franklin Pierce for kids - Popular Sovereignty and Slavery
Summary of Popular Sovereignty and Slavery: The concept of
Popular Sovereignty and Slavery was used in debates concerning the slavery extension issue in new territories.

Franklin Pierce for kids - Treaty of Kanagawa
Summary of the Treaty of Kanagawa: The Treaty of Kanagawa,
negotiated by Commodore Matthew Perry, was signed between the United States and Japan in Edo (now Tokyo) Bay on  March 31, 1854.

Franklin Pierce for kids - The Ostend Manifesto
Summary of the Ostend Manifesto: The
Ostend Manifesto was a secret document drawn up in in October 1854 by advocates of slavery that planned for the annexation of Cuba from Spain. The Ostend Manifesto made the North more suspicious of the South's desire to expand slavery. News of the Ostend Manifesto leaked out and sparked a great controversy in the northern states.

Franklin Pierce for kids - Steel and the Bessemer Process
Summary of Steel and the Bessemer Process: In 1855 Henry Bessemer invented a process to create steel from iron. The Steel and the Bessemer Process produced steel cheaply and efficiently. The Bessemer Process made stronger rails for constructing the railroads and helped to make innovative architectural structures like skyscrapers as the United States moved from the Age of Iron to the Age of Steel.

President Franklin Pierce Video for Kids
The article on the accomplishments of Franklin Pierce provides an overview and summary of some of the most important events during his presidency. The following Franklin Pierce video will give you additional important history, facts and dates about the foreign and domestic political events of the administration of Franklin Pierce.

Accomplishments of President Franklin Pierce

● Interesting Facts about Franklin Pierce for kids and schools
● President Franklin Pierce for kids
● Franklin Pierce important events and accomplishments
Fun facts about the presidency of Franklin Pierce
● Fast, fun, interesting facts about Franklin Pierce
● Foreign & Domestic policies of President Franklin Pierce
Facts about President Franklin Pierce for schools, homework, kids and children

Franklin Pierce - US History - Franklin Pierce Facts - Franklin Pierce Biography - Important Events - Accomplishments - President Franklin Pierce - Summary of Presidency - American History - US - USA History - Franklin Pierce - America - Dates - United States History - US History for Kids - Children - Schools - Homework - Important Events - Facts - History - United States History - Important Facts - Events - History - Interesting - President Franklin Pierce - Info - Information - American History - Franklin Pierce Facts - Historical Events - Important Events - Franklin Pierce

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