Operation Desert Storm

George H Bush

Definition and Summary of Operation Desert Storm
Summary and Definition: Operation Desert Storm (17 January 1991 – 28 February 1991), was the combat phase of the 1991 Gulf War fought against Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein. Operation Desert Storm was the codename for the US-led United Nations (UN) operation to liberate  oil rich Kuwait from the invasion forces of Iraq. Operation Desert Storm began on January 17 1991 and lasted for 43 days, ending in victory on 28 February 1991 for  the United States and the coalition forces from Europe, Canada and Arab Nations. Operation Desert Storm received unprecedented television coverage as each night people from all over the world watched live pictures of the unfolding events of Operation Desert Storm.

Operation Desert Storm
George H Bush was the 41st American President who served in office from January 20, 1989 to January 20, 2001. One of the important events during his presidency was the 1991 Persian Gulf War and Operation Desert Storm.


Operation Desert Storm: Map of the Middle East

Operation Desert Storm
Map of the Middle East

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Fast Fact Sheet
Fast, fun facts and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) about Operation Desert Storm.

When did Operation Desert Storm begin? Operation Desert Storm began on 17 January 1991 following the "wholly defensive" military build up to the conflict called Operation Desert Shield.

When did Operation Desert Storm end? Operation Desert Storm ended on 28 February 1991 with the collapse of Iraqi resistance to the US and Coalition military forces when President Bush declared suspension of offensive combat and laid out conditions for permanent cease-fire.

What were the goals of Operation Desert Storm? The goals of Operation Desert Storm were to force the withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait and restore the Kuwaiti government, defeat the military capability of Iraq and destroy Iraq's ability to produce and employ weapons of mass destruction.

Who was the general in Operation Desert Storm? The name of the US general in Operation Desert Storm Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr., nicknamed "Stormin' Norman", the commander of United States Central Command (CENTCOM). General Schwarzkopf led all coalition forces in the Persian Gulf War. 

What caused Operation Desert Storm?
The conflict known as Operation Desert Storm was caused by Saddam Hussein's accusations that Kuwait was over-producing oil, causing oil prices to drop, costing Iraq an estimated $14 billion a year. This resulted in the Iraqi invasion and annexation of oil-rich Kuwait. The response to the invasion was the coalition military build-up in the Middle East known as 'Operation Desert Shield' (2 August 1990, to 16 January 1991) to prevent oil reserves falling under the control of Saddam Hussein. Iraq refused to withdraw from Kuwait which led to the 43 day conflict known as Operation Desert Storm.

The Persian Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm
Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm were the US operational codenames used during the Persian Gulf War. Operation Desert SHIELD was the period of a "wholly defensive" military build-up in Saudi Arabia, on the southern border of Iraq, by the United States. Operation Desert STORM was the codename given to the combat phase of the Persian Gulf War reflecting the 'Shock and Awe' or rapid dominance military tactics based on the use of overwhelming power and spectacular displays of force to destroy the enemy's will to fight.

What countries were involved in Operation Desert Storm?
A coalition of forces from 34 nations was formed from Canada, Europe and Arab Nations, led by the United States, in response to the aggression by Iraq. The coalition of countries involved in Operation Desert Storm were Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Kuwait, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Portugal, Qatar, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Spain, Syria, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Operation Desert Storm: Military Forces
General Schwarzkopf commanded an international army of 1,200,000 during Operation Desert Storm, consisting of 500,000 U.S. troops and 700,000 troops from the coalition countries. The US provided 2,000 tanks 1800 aircraft and 120 ships. The coalition provided 190 ships and 1700 combat aircraft. Iraq had the world's fourth largest army at the time of the conflict consisting of 955,000 standing soldiers and over half a million paramilitary forces in the Popular Army.

Operation Desert Storm Timeline Facts for kids
The following fact sheet contains interesting facts, timeline and information on Operation Desert Storm for kids.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Timeline of Main Dates and Events

Operation Desert Storm Facts and Timeline: Jan. 17  -  Following 139 days of planning and buildup of Operation Desert Shield the conflict known as Operation Desert Storm began with a massive air war and missile attacks to destroy Iraq's military forces and civil infrastructure. The USS Missouri fired her first Tomahawk missile at Iraqi targets, followed by 27 additional missiles over the next five days.

Operation Desert Storm Facts and Timeline: Jan. 18  -  The first scud missiles from Iraq strike Israel and Saudi Arabia. Scud missiles are a type of long-range surface-to-surface guided missile that is fired from a mobile launcher. General Schwarzkopf announces to the media that the military action by the Operation Desert Storm coalition was "just about exactly as we had intended it to go".

Operation Desert Storm Facts and Timeline: Jan. 19  -  Scud missiles explode in Tel Aviv, Israel and the government, fearing missiles could be the filled with nerve agents such as sarin,  issue gas masks to Israeli citizens. The Battle of Ad-Dawrah was a naval engagement victory for the coalition.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Jan. 20  -  Nine Scud missiles fired at Saudi Arabia are intercepted. General Schwarzkopf announced that  Iraq's nuclear test reactors had been destroyed

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Jan. 21  -  The Iraqi mobile Scud missile launchers that were hidden in desert areas continued to pose a threat. The U.S. announces more than 8,000 sorties in the first five days of Operation Desert Storm.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Jan. 22  -  Iraq began retreating from Kuwait and began an  "environmental war", blowing up over 700 Kuwaiti oil wells as part of a scorched earth policy. Iraqi forces continue to launch scud missiles.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Jan. 23  -  President George H. Bush urges the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein should be brought to justice, suggesting that removal of the president of Iraq could be a goal

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Jan. 24  -  The Battle for Qurah and Umm al Maradim, were several naval and land battles for control over the islands off the coast of Kuwait fought between 24–29 January 1991 during Operation Desert Storm

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Jan. 25  -  Iraq begins another element of "environmental war" by pumping millions of gallons of crude oil into the Persian Gulf.

Operation Desert Storm Facts and Timeline: Jan. 26  -  The oil release causes massive environmental damage throughout the Persian Gulf and two great oil slicks are reported in Saudi Arabia. The USS Louisville is first submarine to launch a cruise missile in combat. (A cruise missile is a guided missile launched against terrestrial targets at cruise speed)

Operation Desert Storm Facts and Timeline: Jan. 27  -  General Schwarzkopf reports that the Operation Desert Storm coalition has total air superiority in Iraq and are reducing the Iraqi Scud threat. The coalition bomb Iraq-held oil wells in Kuwait to stop Iraq from dumping more oil into the Persian Gulf.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Jan. 28  -  Concerns continue to grow about the "environmental war" being waged by the Iraqi's and the possible use of chemical warfare during Operation Desert Storm.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Jan. 29  -  Iraqi forces invade Saudi territory and Khafji is captured. U.S. Marines and Saudis engage Iraq in a ground Battle of Khafji which is eventually won by coalition forces.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Jan. 30  -  Attacks by scores of Iraqi tanks and thousands of troops in Saudi Arabia are countered by U.S. Marines, Saudi and Qatari troops.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Jan. 31  -  Iraq is forced to withdraw from Saudi Arabia.


Operation Desert Storm Facts: Timeline of Main Dates and Events of Operation Desert Storm

Operation Desert Storm Timeline Facts for kids
The following fact sheet history timeline continues with facts about Operation Desert Storm for kids.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Timeline of Main Dates and Events of Operation Desert Storm

Operation Desert Storm Facts and Timeline: Feb. 01  -  US Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney warns that the United States would retaliate if Iraq used chemical or unconventional weapons during the Gulf War. The Coalition forces bomb a ten mile-long column of Iraqi armored vehicles headed into Saudi Arabia.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 02  -  The Battle of Bubiyan naval engagement ended in a Coalition victory with Iraqi Naval Forces destroyed.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 03  -  The massive Operation Desert Storm coalition air campaign continues and reaches over 40,000 sorties.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 04  -  U.S.S. Missouri shells Iraqi positions with 16-inch guns

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 05  -  Allies fly 2,000 sorties, targeting Iraqi Republican Guards and bridges. Radio Baghdad broadcasting in coded messages, calls for worldwide attacks against coalition interests

Operation Desert Storm Facts and Timeline: Feb. 06  -  King Hussein of Jordan raises objections to the U.S. heavy bombardment of neighboring Iraq. Iraq announced it was breaking diplomatic ties with U.S., UK, France, Italy, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 07  -  Allied air attacks against Iraqi troops in Kuwait increase dramatically with 2600 sorties flown.

Operation Desert Storm Facts and Timeline: Feb. 08  -  2500 sorties are flown targeting bridges and troops. Joint Chiefs Chairman Colin Powell and Dick Cheney arrive in Saudi Arabia for consultations. General Schwarzkopf confirms that CENTCOM has destroyed over 600 tanks during Operation Desert Storm.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 09  -  2400 sorties are flown, the Operation Desert Storm total is now over 57,000 sorties. Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev warns the allied offensive threatens to exceed UN mandate, publicly appeals to Saddam Hussein to "show realism."

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 10  -  2800 sorties against bridges and Iraqi troops. Saddam pledges victory and praises his people for “steadfastness, faith and light in the chests of Iraqis.”

Operation Desert Storm Facts and Timeline: Feb. 11  -  Allies fly 2600 sorties and emphasize attempts to avoid civilian casualties. President Bush says allies will continue with "very, very effective" air campaign "for a while" before beginning ground operations in Operation Desert Storm.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 12  -  The coalition conducts heavy bombardment of Baghdad and begin combined land-sea-air operations against Iraqis in Kuwait

Operation Desert Storm Facts and Timeline: Feb. 13  -  An allied missile lands on an air-raid shelter in Baghdad, killing nearly 400 people. The Bush administration asserts that it was a military target. Dick Cheney states that Saddam Hussein is "deliberately placing civilians in harm's way."

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 14  -  The Pentagon announces that coalition  allied planes have destroyed at least 1,300 of Iraq’s 4,280 tanks, 800 of Iraq’s 2,870 armored vehicles and 1,100 of Iraq’s 3,110 artillery pieces.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 15  -  Iraq proposes withdrawal of forces from Kuwait. President George H. Bush rejects offer as a "cruel hoax." seeking an unconditional surrender.

Operation Desert Storm Facts and Timeline: Feb. 16  -  Abdul Amir al-Anbari, Iraq’s ambassador to the United Nations states that Iraq will use weapons of mass destruction if U.S. bombing continues. All U.S. ground forces are in position to launch the ground .

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 17  -  U.S. military and intelligence officials estimate that 15% of Iraq’s military forces in Kuwait have been killed or wounded. Signs are growing that allied offensive may be imminent.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 18  -  U.S.S. Tripoli and U.S.S. Princeton strike mines. U.S. ground forces are said to be "ready and waiting."

Operation Desert Storm Facts and Timeline: Feb. 19  -  General Schwarzkopf says allies are destroying more than 100 Iraqi tanks every day. President Bush rejects a Soviet-Iraqi peace plan that would allow three weeks for their withdrawal from Kuwait.

Operation Desert Storm Facts and Timeline: Feb. 20  -  The 5 day Battle of Wadi Al-Batin ends in victory for the Coalition.  U.S. forces report destruction of 450-500 tanks in intensive ground action. General Schwarzkopf is quoted as saying Iraq’s military is on the "verge of collapse".

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 21  -  Defense Secretary Dick Cheney says allies are preparing "one of the largest land assaults of modern times". Saddam Hussein delivers a defiant speech in Baghdad.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 22  -  President Bush issues a 24-hour ultimatum to Iraq to begin an "immediate and unconditional withdrawal from Kuwait" or face a coalition ground attack within one week.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 23  -  Stealth fighters attack Iraqi intelligence headquarters

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 24  -  U.S. ground attack commences in Kuwait and Iraq. Coalition forces launch a combined ground, air and sea assault which overwhelms the Iraqi army within 100 hours.

Operation Desert Storm Facts and Timeline: Feb. 25  -  Saudi-led Arab forces attacked Kuwait City,  two U.S. Marine Corps divisions struck at the oil fields, and the VII Corps and XVIII Airborne Corps on the left flank struck  cut off the Iraqi forces from the west, which would later be known as the "Left Hook" maneuver of General Schwarzkopf.

Operation Desert Storm Facts and Timeline: Feb. 26  -  The Battle of 73 Easting and the Battle of Al Busayyah were decisive tank victories for the coalition. Saddam Hussein announces Iraq's withdrawal from Kuwait, but still refuses to accept all the UN resolutions passed against it. Coalition forces bombed thousands of vehicles  littering the “Highway of Death”.

Operation Desert Storm Facts and Timeline: Feb. 27  -  The U.S. 1st Armored Division fought the tank Battle of Medina Ridge against Iraqi's outside Basra, Iraq. It was the largest tank battle in US history and ended in a decisive victory for the United States. The Battle of Kuwait International Airport led the 1st Marine Division straight into Kuwait City. Coalition forces liberate Kuwait City. President Bush declares a cease-fire for February 28

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Feb. 28  -  With the total collapse of Iraqi resistance Operation Desert Storm is brought to a conclusion and the first Gulf War ends.

Operation Desert Storm Facts: Timeline of Main Dates and Events of Operation Desert Storm

Operation Desert Storm Battles:
The battles fought during Operation Desert Storm are as follows:

Operation Desert Storm Battles

Operation Desert Storm Battles: January 19 - Battle of Ad-Dawrah

Operation Desert Storm Battles: January 24 - Battle for Qurah and Umm al Maradim

Operation Desert Storm Battles: January 29 - Battle of Khafji

Operation Desert Storm Battles: February 02 - Battle of Bubiyan

Operation Desert Storm Battles: February 20 - Battle of Wadi Al-Batin

Operation Desert Storm Battles: February 26 - Battle of 73 Easting

Operation Desert Storm Battles: February 26 - Battle of Al Busayyah

Operation Desert Storm Battles: February 27 - Battle of Medina Ridge

Operation Desert Storm Battles: February 27 - Battle of Kuwait International Airport

Facts about Operation Desert Storm:
For visitors interested in the history of Operation Desert Storm refer to the following articles:

Operation Desert Storm - President George H Bush Video
The article on Operation Desert Storm provides detailed facts and a summary of one of the important events during his presidential term in office. The following George H Bush video will give you additional important facts and dates about his presidency.

Operation Desert Storm

● Interesting Facts about Operation Desert Storm for kids and schools
● Summary of Operation Desert Storm in US history
● Operation Desert Storm of important, key events
● Operation Desert Storm Timeline of important dates
● Fast, fun facts and timeline of Operation Desert Storm
● Operation Desert Storm Timeline of important dates
Facts and Timeline of Operation Desert Storm for schools, homework, kids and children

Operation Desert Storm - Battles - Timeline - US History - Facts - Major Event - Operation Desert Storm - Operation Desert Storm Definition - American - US - USA - Operation Desert Storm - America - Dates - United States - Kids - Children - Schools - Homework - Important - Operation Desert Storm Facts - Issues - Key - Main - Major - Events - Operation Desert Storm History - Interesting - Operation Desert Storm - Info - Information - American History - Operation Desert Storm Facts - Historical - Operation Desert Storm Major Events - Operation Desert Storm

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