New Nation Era

New Nation Era: 1790 - 1800
The United States History articles in this section on the New Nation Era relate to the important events, famous people and dates from 1790 - 1800. The New Nation Era followed the turbulent War of Independence and this was the historical period when Americans worked hard to establish the US government and the Constitution. The first census was undertaken, the Post Office and the National Mint was established. The politicians established their foreign policy and treaties were negotiated with the European powers. The leaders of the country who were elected president during the New Nation Era and helped to make United States History were George Washington and John Adams.

New Nation Era for kids: United States History from 1790 - 1800
Find interesting facts, history and important information about United States History from 1790 - 1800 in the New Nation Era with a short summary and definition followed by detailed info about each of these important historical events.


New Nation Era for kids: United States History from 1790 - 1800
This article about the New Nation Era in United States History is presented in a unique way by linking the most famous events in the New Nation era of 1790 - 1800 with the presidents who were in power during the time when these important events in American history occurred. An easy way to discover facts, dates and information about the Important historical events in each of the Presidencies that occured during the New Nation Era of United States history of United States history that spanned from 1790 - 1800.

President Washington and the New Nation Era: United States History from 1790 - 1800 for kids
Important events in Important events in United States History during the presidency of George Washington includes the 1789 Judiciary Act, Bill of Rights, National Mint, Post Office, the Census, Whiskey Rebellion, the formation of the political parties, the French Revolution and US History, Jay Treaty, Pinckney's Treaty and the Neutrality Proclamation of 1793. Click the link for articles about Shays rebellion, that occurred just before Washington became President. The most important diplomatic aims of the Washington administration was to secure recognition of American borders from the great European powers. 

New Nation Era for kids: United States History
George Washington Presidency (1789-1793) & (1793-1797)

President George Washington: Facts, biography, accomplishments and biography of the life of George Washington and summaries of important events during his presidency.

1789 Judiciary Act: The 1789 Judiciary Act established the U.S. court system

Neutrality Proclamation of 1793: It prevented the risk of military engagement with either Britain of France.

Jay's Treaty: Jay's Treaty settled border disputes, enabled trade during the French Revolution

French Revolution and US history: The outbreak of the French Revolution (1789-1799) and its effects on US history.

The Whiskey Rebellion: Farmers of refused to pay the liquor tax

American Currency History: Learn about the history of US currency and the establishment of the dollar

National Mint: The National Mint was established to regulate the coinage of the United States.

First Bank of the United States: First Bank was established to create a standard form of currency.

Post Office: The Post Office guaranteed the privacy of personal correspondence in the USA

Eli Whitney Cotton Gin: The Eli Whitney Cotton Gin revolutionized the cotton industry in the South

Samuel Slater & the Cotton Mill: Learn about Samuel Slater, the "Father of American Industry".

1790 Census: The First Census found out how many people there were in each state.

Pinckney's Treaty: Pinckney's Treaty between the United States of America and Spain.

New Nation Era: United States History - George Washington Presidency

President Adams and the New Nation Era: United States History from 1790 - 1800
Important events in Important events in United States History during the presidency of John Adams includes the XYZ Affair, the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, Second Great Awakening and the Virginia and the Kentucky Resolutions.

New Nation Era: United States History
John Adams Presidency (1797-1801)

President John Adams: Facts, biography, accomplishments and biography of the life of John Adams and summaries of important events during his presidency.

XYZ Affair: French diplomats Hottinguer (X), Bellamy (Y), and Hauteval (Z) tried to bribe US

The Quasi War: Unofficial naval war with France

Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798: Laws relating to the rights of immigrants and  free speech.

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions: States Rights. The first attempts to cancel actions taken by the central government.

Judiciary Act of 1801: Midnight Judges: Allowed friends and supporters to be appointed tp new offices

Second Great Awakening: Christian revivalist movement that sparked social reform groups

Buying Freedom from Slavery: How slaves acquired the money to help them buy their freedom

New Nation Era: United States History - John Adams Presidency

Crash Course in American History: Summaries of Events in the New Nation Era
A fast overview, or crash course in American History, during the New Nation Era can be obtained from the interesting and important articles on United States History for Kids that can be found in the section. There are summaries and definitions of the key historical events for each of the presidencies of the New Nation Era from 1790 - 1800.

United States History for Kids: Video of US Presidents
The articles in the New Nation section of United States History for Kids website provides historical facts and information about the important historical events that occurred from 1790 - 1800. The following video will give you additional important facts, history and dates about the personal and political lives of all the US Presidents of the New Nation Era, adding to your knowledge of United States History.

New Nation Era: 1790 - 1800

● Interesting Facts about New Nation Era history for kids and schools
● Key historical events in the New Nation Era history for kids
● Important, key, historical events of New Nation Era
● Facts about the New Nation Era and the US Presidencies
● Fast, fun, interesting facts on the New Nation Era: 1790 - 1800
● Important New Nation Era events in American History
● New Nation Era in United States History for schools, homework, kids and children

New Nation Era - US History - Historical Facts - Important Events - New Nation Era - US History Definitions - Summaries - American History - US History - USA History - New Nation Era - America - Dates - United States History - US History for Kids - Children - Schools - Homework - Important - Facts - History - United States History - Important - Events - History - Interesting - New Nation - Info - Information - New Nation - Facts - Historical - Important Events - New Nation Era

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